Friday, November 19, 2010


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, temperatures around here are finally dropping. This is my favorite climate of the year, you can still wear flip flops however it's not really warm, so you can wear long sleeve shirts!
Speaking of Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, it's one of my favorite days of the year, now i hate to shop, but i just love to people watch. I usually just hang out at the mall for a few hours have some coffee and watch all the people.
On a more serious note, finals are almost here, i hope everybody's ready! I know i am not, but i am trying to work on that over Thanksgiving.
Also spring registration has started, if you're not sure which professor to take for you classes check out look for Alvin Community College under schools, and you can read reviews about all our professors. It's a great way to choose whose class to take, since you get a student's point of view about the professor.

Did you know, the "you are here" arrow on maps is called an ideo locator.

Have a happy Holiday Season!

Peace and Love Julia

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