Friday, December 3, 2010


Hello Everyone, Well Christmas is JUST around the corner :)...unfortunately so are finals :9 NEXT WEEK ACTUALLY!!! and if any of you are like me then you haven't really begun studying yet lol. Today is Friday and my lack of studying is beginning to catch up SO i decided to give some GOOD study habits that IF you can follow you should be good to go. So here we go

1. Find a quiet spot where you will not be bothered. The ACC library is best for me, If i stay home I get distracted by the tv, computer, xbox...things like that.

2. Drink a cup of coffee or a coke or a monster SOMETHING that will keep you awake. IDK about you but as soon as I look at my books i get sleepy and want to take a nap lol.

3. Go to the bathroom, if you suddenly have to go right as you study you are gonna forget everything you just read or did.

4. Set a timed schedule, you need breaks from studying but not too many. a 5 min break every 15-30 mins should be alright.

5. SIT DOWN AND GET BUSY!!! Some classes will have tests over everything you have learned over the semester but you should probably focus the majority of your time on the last few chapters you just went over. That is where you teacher will get 60% if not more of your test questions.

6. Be like me and realize Christmas is awesome and that decorating and eating cookies be more fun that studying lol (Don't Do This)

Well that is a few tips, Hope they help, im gonna go make cookies now lol

(The Student Ambassadors is NO WAY support procrastination)


1 comment:

  1. I have been studing, but thanks for the tips. Im having some R&R :)
