Monday, October 25, 2010

ACC Booth at the Brazoria County Fair

This is my first, but hopefully not last, semester to be a Student Ambassador for ACC. I have met so many new friends and co-workers since being chosen for the Fall semester. Being an ambassador for the college gives me a sense of belonging, as well as pride to represent ACC. What a great way to earn a $500 Scholarship and have fun while earning it. I can't believe this semester is already half-way over. Applications for The Student Ammbassador Program will be out this week for the Spring 2011 semester. You can pick one up in the Marketing Office in the C Building.

This past week I worked the ACC booth at the Brazoria County Fair. We gave free popcorn to anyone who visited our booth, which then gave us the opportunity to tell them about our college and answer any questions they had. Giving away the popcorn was a great idea, because the aroma of the popcorn brought the entire crowd straight to our booth. But trying to keep up with the line of people wanting it was a task in itself. I know one night that I worked we gave away in excess of 2000 bags of popcorn. But just think how many students we may gain by just having contact for a brief moment with them. While waiting for their popcorn they were picking up information about our classes that are offered and asking questions about them. I also learned quite abit myself by just listening to the more experienced people.

This week I will be working at the Fall Festival and popping more popcorn! But this time we will be selling it to earn a little money for the Student Ambassador Program. The ACC mascot "Blue" will also be there and available to take pictures with you if you would like. The Fall Festival is a great way to celebrate Halloween with your kids and to insure their safety. There is also a costume contest for all the kids to enter, so come on out and have some fun with us.

Have a great week and I hope to see you at the Fall Festival on Saturday.

Your Student Ambassador,
Karen Leder

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