Monday, November 8, 2010


Is everyone ready for finals? I'm not but I am ready for it to be over and I can say YES, I passed!

This semester has gone by really fast for me and I am sure that it has gone by just as fast for you. For me I go to school full-time, work part-time with 2 wonderful ladies Cammy and Liz, I have a wonderful husband and 2 very active children that keep me going and also have clinicals on the weekend. This semester has flying by.

Don't forget Applications are online for the Ambassador Program, be sure to apply for the opportunity to get a $500 scholarship, mileage reimburesment, meet new people, recruit new students and help your community, all you have to do is donate 40 hours of your time within the semester you are applying. THAT'S IT! No fine print, no suprises! Only 40 hrs of donation to sign up for events around time or even on campus to get the word out about ACC and bring in students. Deadline for applications is November 23rd.

Who is ready for TURKEY?? Thanksgiving and Christmas have to be my favorite holidays because you get the Turkey and dressing twice within a month. Turkey and dressing and all of the delicious sides to go with it. Not to mention being surrounded by all of your loving family that you may not have seen in a while. I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it!

Well have a Great Thanksgiving! (16 days left, I'm counting!) and Good Luck on Finals!
Kristi Harrell

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